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Resurrection Rose

Resurrection Rose


Rose of Jericho for Money, Success, Wishes, Blessings & More!!!


"The Lord is My Shepard , I shall not want..." or Prayer of Jabez or "Ask and ye shall receive!..."


The Rose of Jericho, or Resurrection Plant, dries completely up and curls up in dry times, and “lives” again when in contact with water, hence the name, Resurrection Plant.

This plant contains a very powerful desert spirit. Beside it’s known properties as prosperity and success bringer, when the Rose is treated with respect and love, the plant will provide greater protection to its owner, absorbing negative energies. In African traditions, prosperity and protection talismans are place as near to the entry of the house as possible. You can also consecrate crystals, gems, and other magickal tools with the water from the Rose after it has bloomed.


Instructions:  Place the Rose in a saucer or bowl filled with water at 9am on a Tuesday or Friday. The water should only cover the lower root portion of the plant. Leave the Rose in the water and watch it come alive and open into a lovey plant!


(Side Note: I personally also may add coins, crystals, keys etc. to the bottom of the bowl where the water is and may sprinkle money herbs such as cinnamon (for fast results) , a bay leaf (with an amount of money on it). While saying different scriptures from Psalms or like "The Lord is My Shepard , I shall not want..." or Prayer of Jabez or "Ask and ye shall receive!..."


(see products for my satchel of money drawing herbs in the product "Mojo Bags") I sometimes sprinkle those herbs onto the inside of the plant when it blossoms.

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