20YRS +
from a dream to reality...

Nefer Peacock Nubia
owner of
Bella Goddess Botanica & Boutique
(20 + years) presents Master Manifesting​
Now is the time for your ultimate happiness!!!
We ALL have moments in life more often than not where we ask questions such as "Am I living up to my fullest potential?" or "Is it too late for me to start over in my love life, career, geographic location, have more kids ?" and many more life altering questions. Then there are those times for some that even darker questions arise for some such as "Im so tired, I been through way too much, should I end it all?" "Do I deserve success to the degree in which I really want it?" "Am I desirable to others?" "Am I putting myself first?" so on and so on. At different phases of my life, I have asked some of these questions as well.

My intention for creating this site and the information available to you through it is fueled by popular demand for two major reasons among many. One is the hundreds of people who have ran up to me in the street all over the world, some even in tears thanking me because they say I helped them get through their divorce or save their marriage or helped them rid their self of cancer or have that baby they never thought they'd have. Hundreds from celebrities to the homeless some of which I have never met but have followed my posts have completely changed their life around! Secondly, countless others have seen and wondered how I have quickly manifested miracles of health, finance, and any other positive situation I intended to manifest time after time as what seemed to be literally overnight. I did this even after or during some of my darkest times! This level of alchemy and ability is how I became what some have called me, a "Master Manifestor" . With the knowledge in the information on this site and sharing with me, I'll be sharing with you so you can too!!! Needless to say all is confidential out of a healthy respect for spirit, self and thereby you and the ultimate passion to see you at your most prosperous, peaceful , happiest and most fulfilled selves!

My intention is to help you gain clarity on these things through ritual practices, coursework, fun events and soooo much more!!! I too have been there and so therefore my whole heart and soul is with you on this journey. With the help of my innate born psychic abilities and empathy through being an 11 life path master number (came to teach with this awareness), along with indigenous practices that have been passed on; I have over a decade of self help expertise and "spiritually conscious awareness" with hundreds to thousands proven results worldwide over the last decade of individuals who are soaring living their very best life!
Take my hand and I will walk, cry, laugh , break bread and heal with you as we take the journey within to bring the very best out!!! Welcome to the best version of you!
I am so very proud of your higher self for bringing you here and manifesting this for yourself. Now lets have some fun! I love you.
Nefer Peacock Nubia

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