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Peace, Love, Cleansing Kit

Peace, Love, Cleansing Kit


1. Sage Smudge Kit PACKING LIST - Each pack include 3 dundles smudge kit. Diameter 1.6 inches and 7 inches length; 1 piece Selenite 3.9x0.4x0.4 inches; 1 piece amethyst; 1 piece lavender sachet

2. Smudge Sticks MATERIALS - Each bundle include white sage, Cedar, Lavender bouquet and Rose. Each bundle around 40g

3. CLEAR NEGATIVE ENERGY - For Hundreds of Years, White Sage Has Been Burned All Around The World For Sacred Ceremonies. White Sage is Said to Have Healing Benefits Such As Cleansing, Purifying and Protecting The User. White Sage Is Used in Ancient Ceremonies To Banish Negative Energies and Offer Protection, Blessings and Cleansing To Anyone and Anything That The Smoke Touches. Each Bundle is Approximately 7 INCHES long

4. SPIRITUAL CLEANSING SAGE SMUDGE KIT - For home, body, object and crystal cleansing. Helps wash away negativity and promote positivity. peace and calm. Perfect for meditation and yoga practice.

5. HOW TO USE - Hold The Sage Bundle at a 45 Degree Angle and Ignite. Let it Burn For a Few Seconds Before Lightly Blowing The Flame Out. Waft The Smoke Around Your Home to Clear Surrounding Energies and Invite Peace and Positivity Into The Space. When Finished, Place The Sage Bundle in a Bowl With The Ignited Tip Down. It Will Put Itself Out. To Lengthen Burn Time, Blow on the Embers.

  • Special Surprise Gift

    Hand written instructions and letter with ritual prayer and more with this purchase.

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