Prepare Yourself For Moonflow Manifestations
During the first two days of flow, ensure your body is physically comfortable. Rest. Keep yourself warm, with a focus on your lower back, feet and abdomen. Your body may not feel at full physical strength, but it is still part of you and is sending messages to you to change your pace and focus to match the rhythms of your flow.Have an early night if you are drawn to have one, are able to sleep and it feels right. If you cannot, allow yourself to snooze when you want.Spend time in nature, or looking at the natural world (which may be as small and perfect as a plant in your room).Take time to meditate (here are some ways to try meditation if you live in a busy world). If nothing else, find a time to stop what you are doing and breathe. Try breathing in for a count of four, holding for four, and exhaling for four. Try breathing like this four times – not forced, but noticing the gentle flow of air through your nostrils and how it fills your body and is carried to each part of you. Breathing is a gentle yet immediate and powerful way to get in touch with your inner body, and link it with your spirit.If you are drawn to physical activities, consider how they might reflect on your inner activity. Sometimes you may notice a desire to organize the space around you, your biological cleansing echoed through mundane cleansing on a material level. Or, while washing up, you may feel an urge to keep your hand under the running tap and play with the water. Yes, the material world will still have its demands and expectations, but you work to different rhythms right now. Welcome and explore these urges when you can.
Bath and Crystal Ritual
First, hold a spiritual bath. Arrange your bathing space with crystals, candles and essential oils evoking tranquility, spiritual openness to the new, and letting go. Anoint a pebble with your blood – these is the old belief system that is weighing you down and holding you back. If you use tampons during your period, consider not using them during the bath. Let the blood go. If you see rosettes and feathery streams form in the water, use your intuition. What do the shapes make you think of? How does that reflect on yourself, your goals?
When your spiritual bath is complete, hold the pebble to an anointed candle or effigy of the spirit or deity of your choice. Thank the old belief system for doing its best to protect you, but explain that you have changed and you don’t need it anymore.
Wash the pebble clean in the bath so that the blood flows away, symbolizing the old. Pass the pebble over an open flame, symbolizing purification and a readiness for the new.
Rise up, and let the water drain as you have a final spritzing shower, letting it wash everything away.
Menstrual Blood Manifesting Do’s And Don’ts
If you have a disease which is transferred by blood you MUST NOT use menstrual blood to work magic on another.If you are storing fresh menstrual blood, you MUST keep it in a fridge. You ONLY need to use a drop or two for menstrual blood magic.
To use menstrual blood in magic is an act of personal power. Never think of menstrual blood as dirty. It is an important part of you!!!
(More Rituals on this coming soon via courses, workbooks and videos coming soon)