With the uprising of the celebration of the goddess (which is beautiful and long overdue) as it was in ancient times, men are being left out. (Androgynous beings I mentioned y'all down below) We need to help and be there for our brothers as they should be here to love and support us. The universe has a way of keeping the balance so we should respect that balance in our own lives and ladies we have to wok on forgiving the men that have harmed us whether sexually, abandonment and etc..(ritual counseling if needed is available ladies,scroll up) . Men, we need the balance mainly because it is the sperm of the man that helps to create us all. Men do still have the responsibility of running countries, businesses, being providers and in most families the head of the household. They are never encouraged to cry, talk about what pains them and how they feel because they have been made to feel this makes them weak if they do so. They are just told to work work work work work. They too have feelings and if they are not whole they will soon suffer from mental illness (confidential ritual counseling is available) .
What affects one affects us all cause the rain don't just fall on one mans house. Call it butterfly or domino effect or whatever, it simply is what it is. Men as a 11 mater life path number, this psychic empath in me hear and feel your cry. I'm here as I stand with many of my sistren that hear and are here for you too. Become a member for free now fellas and join our "Master Manifestors and Glowing Goddesses" for member only content and join us as we heal, grow, and co-create together!
Regardless of your sexual orientation its important that we celebrate and support the masculine and the feminine principle whether in body or spirit or both. Also we must never negate the naturally androgynous beings that were once celebrated in Native American traditions who were often our shamans because they were believed to have one foot in spirit realm and other on physical plane (but that's another blog for another day). I love you ALL and this site is dedicated to you too! Join now! Lets elevate expeditiously ! I love you.